Sunday, June 7, 2020

Reflection On Living A Fulfilling Life Research Assignment - 275 Words

Reflection On Living A Fulfilling Life Research Assignment (Essay Sample) Content: Reflection Paper: Living According to My Lifes Purpose (Your Name) (Instructor)(Course unit)(Date) I consider that each person was created with a purpose in this world. They did not come to this world by accident or happenstance as some are wont to believe. Living according to my lifes purpose is to me doing my best at every station in life knowing very well that I will not pass this way again. The philosophy of living according to my lifes purpose is to consider perfectly lived phase of life as a pre condition for smooth progression to the next phase or station in life. As a student, I have to do my best in class so that I may have a smooth sail to the next phase in life of work and family. Living a life according to my purpose means to make choices and decisions that will enable me utilize my capacity to the fullest, to edify my creator and also serve fellow men. As a communication Arts major I realized that I could not live according to my lifes purpose and hence I changed my academic major to networking/cyber security. The world is currently threatened by vile cyber criminals who seem to be having a free reign as there is a shortage of cyber security specialists. My joining this field will no doubt be of maximum help to the world. I will be living my lifes purpose as a cyber security expert at a time when the world is facing the greatest threat from cyber security criminals only comparable to the past world wars. Jamie Shea, NATO Director of policy planning had this to say about cyber security: One hundred twenty countries currently have or are developing offensive cyber attack capabilities, which is now viewed as the fifth dimension of warfare after space, sea, land and air. I know I will be living my lifes purpose to the fullest by serving in this profession at this critical juncture. Right from being a newbie to a management professional in the place of work, I will strive to live my lifes purpose to the fullest. I will work diligently at every station in my career life as a pre-condition for my progression to the next phase. By my philosophy, I know that how I work in my profession will determine how I move to the next personal life phase of marriage and raising a family. I find all phases of life-as a student, as an employee, and as a family person-fully connected and equal in importance to my overall quality of life. The quote by Jamie Shea is quite significant in contemporary times. We know the world has been for some time a unipolar one with the United States of America possessing the monopoly power of virtually every aspect of human life on earth. It has had the monopoly power to control the space, sea, land and air-the fronts on which the past major world wars have been fought on. The addition of cyberspace in the league of the four traditional warfronts is poignant because it implies that the future wars could be waged on cyberspace. We have already seen pointers of these possibilities when the United Sta tes of America trade accusations with Russia or China over incidences of cyber attacks originating from either of these nations. Like in a butterfly effect we have seen how a careless comment by a leading presidential candidate in the US insinuating glorification for the Russian scientists act of hacking the emails of another leading presidential contender, or of America, can generate a political storm in America which can lead to war between the two nation...

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