Monday, April 20, 2020

Urban and Rural Life (Collection) free essay sample

There has always been a sharp distinction between urban and rural living, with each having its particular advantages and disadvantages. From a personal perspective, I am more inclined to live in a small town rather than a big city. To me, it boils down to more peace and quiet; a better environment to live in; and family safety. To begin with, small towns are usually quiet and relatively calm. The pace of life is relaxed and the low number of cars and people makes for a peaceful setting without too much noise. Of course, not all small towns are idyllic in this fashion, and a slow and quiet lifestyle isnt every persons piece of cake. However, I personally enjoy it. As a child I lived in both a small country town and then later a large busy city. I vividly recall how much calmer the small hamlet was, and how relaxed and easy-going it made me and others there feel. We will write a custom essay sample on Urban and Rural Life (Collection) or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Conversely, the city with its traffic and crowds of people seemed constantly busy and noisy. In addition to peace and calm, small town living can usually be associated with a better environment. Apart from the fact that there is less traffic and associated pollution, small towns are mostly located in the countryside and have easy access to rural settings. By way of example, it is usually relatively easy to walk out into fields, forests, valleys or even to rivers and lakes (in their natural settings) when you live in a small rural town. The same cant be said of city living which of course has other appeals like entertainment, nightlife and a broader scope of amenities. If, however, like me you prefer the natural environment close to your doorstep, then small town living will be a more attractive option. Besides tranquility and environmental appeal, I also have to say that small hamlets are better for families and family safety in particular. Small towns have closer-knit communities where everyone knows and generally looks out for each other. I personally live in a very small coastal town these days, and I deliberately moved here because of my wife and two young children. I know they can go to and from school without being in danger from traffic or some of the nastier elements of society that tend to congregate more in big city locations. This is not to say that close-knit safe communities cant be forged in cities, but I think anyone who has lived in both settings knows the safety factor for families is more reliable in smaller community-based townships. To sum up, then, I think I have shown with some conviction that factors like peace and quiet; clean and natural environment; and family safety all amount to better living in small towns. And while I concede that big cities have their own special advantages that cant be matched in a lot of small rural settings, these are the factors that matter most to me.

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